The Totally Legit Moonman Theory

I'm guessing everyone has heard of Moonman, the racist rapper with a moon for a head, by now. Originally he was known as Mac Tonight, a man with a moon for a head who played jazz music in commercials encouraging people to go to McDonald's at night.
Mac Tonight grew up in Ferguson, being picked on by the black kids at his low budget elementary school for his whiteness and moon-shaped head. He hated the black community for what they put him through as a kid and it was even worse growing up in a Mexican neighborhood, where the people picked on him even more.
After getting out of school Mac Tonight was offered enslavement a job at McDonald's, advertising them late at night. They bought the rights to his image, name and everything. He did many commercials for them, but tensions grew between him and McDonald's when they started forcing him to appear in more commercials with black people and even sing his signature "Dinnah, at McDooonaaaaaaaaaaaaaald's" song in Spanish.
Mac Tonight quit working for McDonald's, but they only let him out of his contract by changing his name, since they owned the rights to Mac Tonight. He changed his name to "Moonman" and started his independent rap career as a member of the KKK.
There's also another theory, that Elvis Presley faked his death, dropped his extra weight and started wearing a moon mask, but that is a story for another day.